The Surprising Way Natural Light Improves Your Health

benefits of natural light, natural light, workplace wellness, how light affects you, offices for rent London, offices for rent Dublin

March 29th 2019

Natural light can really improve your health.

It is no secret that natural light is of huge benefit to both your physical and mental health.

Sitting in a few beams of sunlight improves everyone’s mood, but did you know all of the surprising ways it benefits you, especially in the workplace?

Natural light plays a huge part in our natural circadian rhythm.

What’s that?, I hear you ask. Well, you wouldn’t be alone in not knowing what your circadian rhythm is, but it plays a massive role in your day to day life. Essentially, it is the natural rise and fall of your daily balance of energy.

But how does natural light effect this?

1. Natural light inspires you to exercise more

Light is a very powerful signal for your brain, as it tells our brains when to do certain functions.

So, if you’re in the office, looking for that bit of inspiration to go to the gym at lunchtime, try sitting beside the window, like from this beautiful Serviced Office in Waterloo Road, London, and see if that helps.

natural light, benefits of natural light

2. Natural light exposure helps you sleep

Exposure to natural light also helps you sleep better at night. Studies show that you can get 46 minutes more sleep if you expose yourself to plenty of light during the day.

We love the soft exposure to light in this Eastbourne Terrace London office space. When choosing where to set up shop for the day, be sure to keep close to windows.

natural light, benefits of natural light

3. It lowers blood pressure

Natural light has a calming effect on people, so it helps when you want to lower your blood pressure. This is perfect for anyone experiencing high-pressure situations in work or work-related stress.

Break-out areas with lots of natural light, like this one in Windmill Lane, a Dublin Serviced Office, will help calm you down, as it gets you away from your desk and exposes you to that all important Vitamin D.

natural light, benefits of natural light

4. You will be happier for it

Spending your day in natural light will actually increase your happiness and will improve your mood. This is all-important when in work, as you are the biggest asset your company has and your happiness will affect so much of what you do during the day.

Pairing inspiring interiors and lots of natural light, like in this Mount Street Lower, Dublin office space, is the key to workplace happiness.

natural light, benefits of natural light

5. You will be more productive and alert

Natural light sets the natural rhythm’s in your body to rights, so your brain knows that it should be awake and alert during the waking hours. This will really help your work output and productivity and just generally help you be more on the ball.

Who could work in a place like this office in Carnaby Street, a London business centre, and not feel inspired?

natural light, benefits of natural light

So, now that you’ve armed yourself with the basics, here are some cold hard facts to back it all up, just in case anyone tries to question you when you’re half hanging out the window in work trying to make the most of the natural light.

natural light, benefits of natural light, natural light in the workplace

Credit: Cohere

So, slap on an SPF and enjoy those few rays of sunshine that we do get!

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